Aditya-L1’s SUIT Telescope Captures First-Ever Solar Flare Kernel, Revealing Unseen Solar Activity

India's space-based solar observatory, Aditya-L1, has recorded a never-before-seen solar flare phenomenon, marking a major step in solar research. The Solar Ultra-violet Imaging Telescope (SUIT) onboard the spacecraft captured an…

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Earth’s Crust is ‘Dripping’ Beneath Turkey’s Konya Basin, Revealing Unique Geological Phenomenon

Scientists have recently uncovered a rare geological event occurring beneath the Central Anatolian Plateau in Türkiye. This phenomenon, known as "crustal dripping," has been shaping the Konya Basin, sparking intrigue…

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First Dinosaur Fossils Unearthed in Hong Kong’s Port Island, Revealing Ancient History

In an unprecedented find for Hong Kong, scientists have uncovered the city's first-ever dinosaur fossils on Port Island. Preliminary analysis suggests that the bones likely belonged to a large Cretaceous-era…

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