Earth’s Crust is ‘Dripping’ Beneath Turkey’s Konya Basin, Revealing Unique Geological Phenomenon

Scientists have recently uncovered a rare geological event occurring beneath the Central Anatolian Plateau in Türkiye. This phenomenon, known as "crustal dripping," has been shaping the Konya Basin, sparking intrigue…

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Scientists Uncover ‘Sunken Worlds’ Deep in Earth’s Mantle, Defying Geological Expectations

Recent research has uncovered unusual structures hidden deep within Earth's mantle that have left scientists puzzled. These anomalies, resembling subducted crustal slabs, have been identified through advanced imaging techniques. Found…

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Scientists Uncover ‘Sunken Worlds’ Deep in Earth’s Mantle, Defying Geological Expectations

Recent research has uncovered unusual structures hidden deep within Earth's mantle that have left scientists puzzled. These anomalies, resembling subducted crustal slabs, have been identified through advanced imaging techniques. Found…

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