James Webb Space Telescope Finds First Evidence of Einstein Zig-Zag Phenomenon In a Distant Quasar

A recent study utilising data from the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has confirmed the existence of an unusual cosmic effect termed the "Einstein zig-zag." This rare phenomenon occurs when…

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No Verifiable Evidence of UFO Sightings But ‘Very Anomalous Objects’ Exist, Says US Government Agency

In a recent Senate testimony, Jon T. Kosloski, Director of the Pentagon's All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), clarified the office's stance on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP) and their ongoing investigations.…

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Evidence of Massive Solar Storm Strike on Earth 2,700 Years Ago Discovered in Tree Rings

Scientists have uncovered evidence of an immense solar storm that struck Earth around 664–663 BCE in a study published in Communications Earth & Environment. According to researchers from the University…

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