Curiosity Rover Finds Evidence of Liquid Water on Mars, Expanding Habitability Timeline

Scientists have identified evidence suggesting that liquid water once flowed openly on Mars, indicating that the planet may have had habitable conditions for a longer period than previously believed. According…

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Scientists Find Evidence of Past Extreme Solar Storms, Warn of Potential Technological Catastrophe

In 1859, when Charles Darwin published On the Origin of Species, the Earth experienced one of the most powerful solar storms in recorded history. Telegraph systems across Europe and North…

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12,000-Year-Old Doughnut-Shaped Pebbles in Israel May Be Early Evidence of Wheel Technology

Archaeologists in Israel have uncovered doughnut-shaped pebbles that may be among the earliest forms of wheel-like technology. Found at the Nahal Ein Gev II site in northern Israel, these 12,000-year-old…

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